UK Politics - No Common Sense

Message from Richard Tice – Chairman Reform UK Party

Three weeks ago, we announced the transformation of The BREXIT Party to Reform UK. At that time we made it clear this was much more than just a name change. The country is facing enormous challenges that require solutions for both the short term and the long term. 

We are now starting to feel the first ripples of the Covid crisis, and thousands of you from all over the UK have reached out to highlight the issues impacting you and your local area. From that, it's clear that many of you think it's time to stand up for our nation's students and get them back to a proper education, and we agree.

The university experience has been reduced to (often low-quality) online learning, halls of residence that resemble detention centres, and bleak job prospects upon graduation. We have heard the call from the students themselves, which is why our first campaign—Stop The Student Rip Off— is centred around a pledge to refund 30% of student fees. 

Watch video on how actual students are feeling at the moment.

Many students have tried to work with their universities to find a solution, but they were met with reduced contact hours, furloughed staff, and more excuses. 

The Telegraph published a brilliant article outlining our campaign and the plight of our students on the weekend.

We are calling for all students to do three things:


1. Write or email your vice-chancellor, local MP and your local newspaper, setting out why you are being badly treated, not getting the education you paid for and demanding a 30% discount.

2. Fill out our form at to pledge your support for this campaign. The more information we receive about your experiences, the better.

3. Create a short 30-second video detailing your poor experience at university and why you support the #StopTheStudentRipOff campaign to put on your social media. Encourage others to do the same – the more people, the more pressure.

The students cannot and should not be left to do this alone. Reform UK is here to give a voice to those that are often ignored and right now our young people need our help.

The handing out of honours seems to be random. You can get an OBE for just turning up.

Popular culture gains brownie points and if you are a hard-hitting sports star it seems you can have a knighthood so long as your sport is not cars because they are of course bad. After all we greeted the car with the red flag law and the French a motor race. 

Ayton Senna had a state funeral when he died. There was hardly a mention of Sir Stirling Moss passing and now the greatest achievement of any British motor racing hero is being snubbed by the WOKE government. 

Black lives matter? Yes, they do and we have a citizen who has equalled the very best Germany had to ever offer and if he can carry on, he may even eclipse Senna, Fangio, Schumacher, Clarke and become the undisputed greatest ever. Is it because he is black? Perhaps not, its difficult to say, but those in power are obviously looking for a first from a Uni specialising applied stupidity.

80 or more years ago, a Public-school educated cricket captain took a poor uneducated mineworker from Nottinghamshire and made the Australian national side look like village green amateurs, humbling the great Sir Donald Bradman in the process. Poor Harold Larwood was ostracised by his own people to the point he emigrated to Australia. The very same country he had routed and left behind a scandal which nearly caused an empire to collapse. Yet they embraced him for the heroic figure he was. He had to wait until John Major was Prime minister to get his honour and his achievements were on a par with any of the above. He died not long after.

Please can we learn from our mistakes. Lewis Hamilton has come among us and we will never see his like again, a genius only appears once in a generation and we need to make sure this one knows we appreciate his greatness.

Click Daily Mail Article Button to see more.

Laurence Fox ‘dropped’ by acting agent ‘over the phone’ amid controversies

The reason why political and cultural movements are springing up all over is because the people are angry. 

The woke establishment wants us bankrupt and if possible dead. 

What for I have no idea, but they want our homes to be worthless and they want us out of our cars and out of work. 

This really is Culture War

Click Idependent Article Button to see more.

Or is he, just a Total Idiot?

Despite the fact that the people who voted for him did not give him a mandate for this, he is now championing the electric car and the destruction of the economy by getting rid of well paid jobs and replacing them with low pay low skill green jobs.

The power companies are sending out warnings of power cuts this winter 

The bright insightful British people are refusing to buy electric cars because they know the grid cannot cope. 

Yet Boris wants the green transition based on a hatred of cars rather than any scientific evidence to go ahead. Is he the thickest PM ever?

Click Bloomberg Article Button to See More

John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) famed for being a champion of freedom of speech says “don’t become entrenched in one opinion and get stuck there forever”

What a fabulous stance to take. The anti-establishment man has stuck to his guns, he is now anti WOKE and will be voting for Trump. Whatever he may be, this is one person who seems to have integrity.

See a very enlightning article on John by clicking the button below.

A second national lockdown would be a complete and utter catastrophe for our country. We have now reached the point where the cure has become worse than the disease itself.

Following is an article By Mr Faraage

Tens of thousands of cancer diagnoses have not taken place. Mass unemployment is looming. The effect on mental health for many millions doesn’t even bear thinking about. The list goes on. Put simply — we cannot afford as a nation to do this again. 

What’s worse is how the government are utilising their emergency powers. The way Boris is behaving, you would have thought Jeremy Corbyn had won the last election. This government is doing as they please without any opposition and it is clear to me that our civil liberties are now at risk. No new Covid measures should go through without parliamentary scrutiny by MPs and a proper debate in the country. 

Another lockdown would be so damaging to our way of life and simply cannot be tolerated. Please watch and share my latest video outlining the Brexit Party’s opposition to new measures that would damage our country.

Covid 19 only Transmits after 10pm. Government latest insult to our Intelligence

Not only must the Arts be scrapped because the satirists will counter the rubbish emitting from the knowledge free zone in Whitehall.

But you thick people must be home by 10!! 

All pubs shut at 10 because Covid has a wristwatch now?

Then tomorrow the rules will change

1.You can go to the Co-Op at 10 and buy a bottle of gin but you cannot have a gin and tonic in a pub. You can book into a hotel, covid approved by the AA who have no idea whether the place is virus free or not and as a resident you can get hammered till 3 in the morning.

2.You cannot have more than 6 people at your house unless they all live there, but your daughter who lives in London and shares a house with 10 others can get on a train and come to visit you.

3.You can get on a plane that re circulates breathed air and spreads the virus almost by design and you will be allowed to walk through the airport and go home without any checks being made.

4.Other countries are providing a test result in 15 minutes and ours takes 48 hours, if you can get a test. Unless you go private.

5.Ventilators are an absolute medical last resort as people who have been ventilated are at great risk. A&E are sending people who can breathe back home so they come back needing a ventilator.

6.Working from home is now optional unless you are a low wage earner then its compulsory.

7.Buying a car at 11pm is fine so long as you don’t pay cash. But you should walk because there is more chance of catching the virus that way.

8.Standing outside the kebab shop throwing chips at each other is OK so long as you left the pub at 10.

Then the rules will change again otherwise the rule authors will have nothing to do and broom pushers are plentiful.

AA Approver of Hotels

Why is the government recognising the AA as an arbiter of approval for hotels during the Corona virus pandemic?

The AA is simply a commercial organisation providing financial services. They have no expertise in supervising a medical emergency. While they have for many years rated hotels and other motoring related topics, there seems to be no sense in appointing them or indeed listening to anything they have to say. 

Why not appoint Green Flag or the RAC?

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A Party or Cowards?

The Lib Dems are not just cowards they are treacherous. 

Just do a web search for Lib Dems and you will see many references over issues like “The Bedroom Tax” Tuition fees” and of course the “Peoples Vote”. Who on earth they thought voted in the referendum, the EU election and the last general election, I have no idea? Clearly, we are not people, we must be something else. 

Clearly Liberal Democrats stands for authoritarian dictators. After 3 votes under three different voting systems we the people find that we voted to leave the EU. Yet for Jo Swinson, even losing her seat did not teach her that democracy is all that matters. Its in the title of the party, yet they don’t accept it. 

Vince Cable has said the Lib Dems will be a strong force in local government. Well that’s great the people can do something about that very easily. 

Just exactly what do these clowns stand for? As you smash up and down on Lib Dem speed humps, ruined roads that destroy your car. 

Remember, the Lib Dems wanted more EU. The Lib Dems wanted a greener future, (Lib Dem speed humps increase pollution by 700%) 

The Lib Dems also wanted to let children vote. They are so Woke they are swimming in waters full of mud and not sure who’s side they are on. 

They even threatened their own members with expulsion from the party if they voted to leave the EU. The people are speaking and the Lib Dems should clear their desks

Now then lets see, we need a good idea

I know, we have allies, the biggest of them economically is America. Wouldn’t it be great if the British Ambassador to the US slagged off the elected president. We could even get the state funded media to join in.

It takes years of training in the foreign office to get the highly skilled diplomats to the level they need to be at to perform in this arena. 

The mantra is sack sack and sack…

The shadow minister for climate change has called on the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, to abandon his plans for a new four-lane road tunnel under the Thames.

Matthew Pennycook, who is also a local MP, said there was still time for the Labour mayor to reverse the plans for the £1.2bn Silvertown tunnel project, which is opposed by environmentalists, climate scientists and many local residents.

“There is time to think again,” said Pennycook. “Serious works have not started and the financial situation at TfL [Transport for London] may lead to a reassessment of the project’s viability.”

Opponents of the scheme say it will be environmentally destructive, undermining efforts to clean up the capital’s polluted air as well as the mayor’s wider green targets – with dire consequences for some of London’s most vulnerable citizens. There is of course no thinking involved in this its just dogma.

Pennycook was appointed by Keir Starmer to the climate change role and is MP for Greenwich and Woolwich, the location of the tunnel’s southern entrance. Along with another local MP, Lyn Brown, he has written to Khan outlining their objections and urging the mayor to review the project.

“Green transport must be the future for our city,” is what Extinction Rebellion say. “That means a focus not on road-building but on large-scale investment in adapted public transport, ensuring more frequent and reliable bus and rail services; and measures to significantly boost walking and cycling.”

This is promoting the most dangerous virus strategy. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are the future, busses are dead.

They add that the “perilous state” of Transport for London finances “is reason enough to review the case for embarking on a major capital project of this scale, particularly given that the future health and prosperity of our city is more and more dependent on us reducing our reliance on cars”.

In June, a report from the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, backed by some of the UK’s leading climate scientists, found the Silvertown tunnel was incompatible with the Greater London Authority’s aim to become carbon-neutral by 2030.

Campaigners insist the plans are fatally flawed and will be environmentally destructive, bringing no economic benefit. In a sign of the growing opposition to the scheme, Extinction Rebellion activists staged an anti-Silvertown tunnel protest last week, carrying posters demanding: “Community not cars,” and vowing to make the plans a key issue during next year’s mayoral elections.

A spokesperson for Khan defended the scheme, saying it was essential to improve river crossings in east London. “A new tunnel at Silvertown is important because the existing infrastructure is both antiquated and worn out, and it will be funded by a toll, not TfL cash.

“Crucially, the tunnel will provide a public-transport-focused river crossing with improved bus links across the Thames.”

They added that the combination of introducing tolls on both the existing Blackwall tunnel and at Silvertown, as well as the extension of the ultra-low emission zone from 2021, would “play a crucial role in tackling congestion and improving air quality.

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Last years plan should now be in the toilet. Nobody seems to be asking the question what if COVID 20, 21 and 22 occur in the next 3 or 4 years?

The plan the worlds most authoritarian government (The undemocratic EU) has been working to for the last 40 years is to smash the western economies in the name of the new religion, climate. This manifests itself in the political correctness of ignoring drug crime and creating tougher penalties for non use of public transport.

Clearly planes trains and busses now kill and should be avoided at all costs. Buffets, blowing out candles on birthday cakes and games like twister are ill advised as we are now at war with killer viruses.

Our efforts to promote ultra high cost energy supplies such as wind in favour of a real supply such as nuclear are about to break down. Dirty public transport such as diesel busses and trains emit 3NBA 10-micron particles which cause cancer. Indeed, 3NBA is the most carcinogens compound know to us.

Listening to the criminal gangs of extinction rebellion is proof positive that they are dinosaurs. Trying to stop the new road tunnel under the Thames claiming it will reduce air quality is at best treacherous

Roads, preferably carrying Hydrogen fuel cell propelled cars as peoples everyday travel method will be the aim of any Nation managed by sane administrators. To continue to plough the green furrow of scrapping high skill high pay jobs in technology and replacing them with low pay low skill green jobs is madness. To continue to try to force people into dirty public transport and have us socialising like ants is going to be an uphill struggle. You see the ordinary people are now looking for ways to stay at home and avoid needless contact with strangers.

JEREMY CLARKSON A task force to fix a bridge? Why can’t this Government ever do anything?

THERE are only 14 road bridges across the Thames in central London, and now one of them is shut. Indefinitely.

The sludge green Hammersmith Bridge is apparently so weak that not even a mouse is allowed to cross it. 

See link beloe for more detail

The new Work House is the Call Centre. Give me a Factory any day!

For a couple of years I worked in a call centre. My mother had died and I no longer needed a huge income and I had given up the taxi driving because I was getting too old to fight with idiots on new years eve. So I applied for and was accepted as a call centre operative. A fascinating world that ignores humanity and the law. I am constantly being put under pressure by the FCA to comply with spurious laws which have been introduced to protect the terminally stupid. 

A solid 3-month training programme before going live was engaging with the angry ripped off general public, ensured it was still a baptism of fire, Trying to convince people who has specifically called to cancel their involvement that they should remain, giving them a discount, sure. Never of course allowing them to get down to price they could get if they cancelled and signed up afresh on the internet. The pressure to perform this task as quickly as possible and to give away as little as possible, while adding to the sale in an ideal world, is indeed stressful.

Initially selling products or services the customers could not possibly benefit from was OK, but as time went by what was acceptable 3 months ago was now a disciplinary offense. This was truly an organisation getting away with as much as it could and only when pulled up by the regulator would it concede unfairness and encourage call centre staff to behave ethically. 

Contrast this with the behaviour of management in a factory. Often people in factories are paid on the quantity of work they can produce. This is often why large quantities of scrap can be found in rivers where factories are located beside them. Modern manufacturing has introduced a lot more parameters by which we measure the quality and quantity of peoples work. Legislation and common sense have led to modern factories being very pleasant places to work. Technology has given management tools to monitor inputs and outputs far more closely than Taylor and Ford experienced at the turn of the 19th century. 

Having experienced the physical effort of factory work and the mental torture of working in a call centre, I conclude the latter is the modern equivalent of the work house. I am a qualified safety manager (MIOSH). I pointed out to the manager of my call centre that it is in breach of the HASAW act 1974 DSE (Display screen equipment regs). Ergo not sufficient breaks from computer terminals. This was escalated to senior leaders and then one day out of the blue I was summoned to a meeting with the national safety manager and a young member of the management team. I was surprised to find that the subject was DSE Regs. The safety managers opening statement was to suggest that no regulations covered the allocation of breaks for DSE users. 

I pointed out that regulation 4 made it very clear what breaks were recommended and the company was, and so far, as I know, still is in breach of the law.  

The local authority environmental health department fudged their responsibility as so this activity is still prime in probably every call centre in the land. 

One of the main problems is the EU law results in an enabling act rather than a directive act like the Factories act or the offices shops and railway premises act which had regulations set in law rather than ACOPs and COPs. It would have taken a lot of time to enshrine DSE regs in UK law but it would have been complied with because it would have been an absolute not a guideline.

Companies are often surprised when they arrive at court and are confronted with a judge who is unhappy the advice was ignored. It tend to increase the fine to close to the maximum.

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