Climate Facts

And this years award for the most drivel crammed into a single article goes to The Independent

The link below claims this year will be the third hottest on record. This is of course since industrialisation. Lets just take a look and see what that actually means. 

Climate crisis: 2020 set to be one of three hottest years on record, UN confirms (

Post industrialisation we have seen a seven-fold increase in population and a massive increase in the number of dwellings and workplaces. Therefore the 1.5 degree increase in temperature is reliably explained by that very urbanisation creating a heat sink. The oldest and most reliable temperature array is in the West Midlands and this carries data since well before industrialisation including the mini ice age. Its data confirms the small increase in temperature due to urbanisation. 

If our media were truly reliable in terms of being a source of truth, then the average global temperature rise would be advertised at the bottom of your TV screen. As this would be no cause for alarm then the display is conspicuous by its absence. Instead the media resort to children turning off taps while giving parents the kind of rebuking look that would, in my childhood( late 50’s) have resulted in a smack and  fresh explanation of who makes the rules in the home. Plus if that was the school teacher teaching my children this climate rhetoric then they would have had questions to answer at the next parents evening.

The media have ridiculed President Trump (democratically elected president of the free world) for not suggesting we could inject bleach. Darling Greta Thunberg claims to be able to smell CO2 (scientific definition a colourless odourless gas that is denser than air). Yet Thunberg’s claim goes without question because she is on message. 

The reality is that the media are complicit in the biggest global scam the human race has ever been subjected to. In truth it is not surprising an additional six billion humans and the concurrent increase in the number of ruminants needed to feed us has resulted in an increase in atmospheric CO2 of 0.01%. Bearing in mind 10 times the atmosphere is sunk in the oceans, it is likely that expending the entire global economic resource in bringing atmospheric CO2 to pre industrial levels will result in the ocean instantly replacing it.

The climate crisis is the political elephant in the room. People elected by nobody have decided it’s a crisis and the democracies have never been asked if we want to return to the stone age. There is therefore no legitimate mandate for the reset. 

There is no water shortage, the Chinese have a monopoly on the rare earth elements though. We need to take back our nations and stop the environmental vandalism. We can be emission free but not with virus spreading public transport and electric cars. Below are a few links that make sense.

The Pacific islands which are growing, despite sea level rise |

GWPF Energy, 4 November 2020

Zero Emmisions due to COVID???(% mins into Video)

Thanks Boris!

You have sacrificed the economy on the Altar of Covid and now you are going to kill off the elderly by pricing heat and light out of the market and killing birds at the same time.

Fancy making a Carbon Neutral Fuel?

Those pesky Americans are at it again. Instead of whining, like Prof Jones and the muppets at the University of East Anglia. Proper scientists from Harvard have been at it, producing a carbon neutral fuel from the air powered by Hydro Electricty.Essentially this means fossil fuel powered vehicles, cars lorries and aeroplanes could use this fuel and transition vehicles into the Hydrogen Fuel age. 

Obviously, the uptake on electric cars is currently minimal and they really are not the future.

Creating the infrastructure to run a hydrogen fuelled economy will take time. This is particularly problematic with the smelly people and prince Charles blocking the Hydrogen Fuel scientists at every opportunity. 

Carbon capture and carbon neutral fuel is a long-term industry producing clean air and well-paid jobs. Of course, because America has not joined in with the carbon trading scheme (or shooting our economy in the foot as it should be called) They are free to pursue such things.

Problem with America is when they decide to do something, they do it. They do not announce they are going to do it, then forget it like the EU do.

"Sucked Air" Latst News from Carbon Engineering.

What A Suprise!

California is experiencing power black outs due to its dependency on wind and other so-called renewables. 

UK Institutions such as hospitals and Quangos are buying heavy polluting diesel back-up generators. But it does not end there as...

The National Grid has been actively recruiting hospitals and other organisations to make Heavy Polluting back-up generators,  available at peak times to avoid blackouts!!!!

Also as the last Nuclear reactors are closed (they have already exceeded predicted life by 20 years) Blackouts will come

Take up on full electric cars Plummets

No warming for 30 years Climate models completely erroneous

See all at GWPF Global warming policy foundation.(Common Sense on Climate Change)

Make sure your Car Insurance includes Explosion

Click button below to see an electric car exploding when its being charged.

Best candidate we could find for the most stupid statement ever made since the beginning of humanity

New years eve 2016

Australian woman in a taxi, asked by the driver what she thinks of the new government? 

She replies “Oh they are terrible. Everyone loved the last government. “ 

Clearly even a simple understanding of elections leads to the conclusion that if everyone loved the last government, they would still be the government.

Australian woman in taxi claims the new government are bastards and killing the planet.

Conversation concludes with “Well we gotta stop digging things out of the ground”

I shivered in my goatskin smock crawled into my grass covered hut then groaned. I just longed for a flushing toiled. I went outside again to find a hole in the road to crap in. It didn’t take long. I picked up a sharp stone ready to kill the next life form that came along, I was hungry, then I woke up and remembered we still dig things out of the ground. Phew!

Are we putting up offshore wind farms to kill birds? Is this part of the strategy to increase fish stocks in the Irish sea?

Bird numbers down as much as 80% 

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