Goats and Heroes

A True Idiot

How can this man who, had to have the wrong imaginary friend while being prime minister (he has now become catholic), possibly have any credibility? 

He does not accept that the 17.4  million know better than him. On Brexit he was floored by Farage in Brussels. 

He is a war criminal. Saddam and Assad had a lid on extremism and he lifted it. Isis troops wander freely through Morocco into Spain and finish up on boats headed here. We then give them money to buy bomb making materials and we will wonder why we are under attack. 

Thank you, Mr Blair, you blithering idiot.

Taking Bias to a New Level

Perhaps only individuals can be heroes, Brunel, Shakespeare Churchill etc. In the case of Goats though, the collective behaviour of an organisation can make it a goat.

The BBC has, often by omission deceived the public. Examples such as delaying reporting the French Riots or the hacking of the Hadlee research centre to prevent the truth from subverting received thinking in the UK

Why is the national broadcaster expending so much energy on undermining the legitimately elected leader of the free world?

Why did it ban professor Bellamy? Why was Brexit a discussion for Dr Who to have in a kid’s programme?

Why did it not get reported the French Met office head was sacked for climate scepticism?

The BBC has done exactly what it was never meant to do and that is take a stance, have a collective opinion which means promote Woke, cancel culture and political correctness.

Was Jeremy Clarkeson Sacked for assaulting Oisin Tynon? Or was it because Clarkeson is a climate sceptic? Or more likely because Top Gear was the BBCs most successful cash cow and its essentially a car programme. Of course, cars are bad, and the thick people (all of us) must be discouraged from liking them.

Truth is, if I had been out in the freezing cold Yorkshire weather from 8am and returned to my hotel to find the Kitchen closed and the person in charge had done nothing to even organise a takeaway, I would probably have hit him too.

The BBC is a weapon of social engineering. We should bury its infrastructure in concrete to put it beyond use.

Teressa Treason Sharia May

Ask yourself this, if you saw a job advertised and the core of the job description was in conflict with your ideals and beliefs, would you apply?

She did and “hopeless” is doing her a kindness. The Teresa May deal she secured was the sort of deal you would have to sign if you had just surrendered your country after a war. 

Really, we should rename her Treason May.

Bearing in mind, most of the treaties and agreements 2 generations of corrupt politicians have signed up to fly in the face of our most crucial license, “The Magna Carta”.

If we had had a prime minister with a spine our opening stance in negotiation would have been to repeal all laws enacted since the Common Market act and make a few concessions from there. Not this muppet, she was given terms which would have left us tied into EU rule forever and she was happy to sign it.

300 years ago, she would now be in the Tower.

A small voice in the wilderness.

Claire is fighting against our woke establishment, defending the will of the people and their freedoms.

The House of Lords, elected by no one seems to think it has the right to overturn the democratic vote of 17.4 million people. Our hero, a champion of free speech is fighting our corner. 

Claire is a truly independent peer who despite being a baroness still remains convicted to the abolition of the Lords.

 Claire is genuinely affiliated to no political party.

Listen to Claire in the House of Lords on the links below. 

Why is there no alterntive to COVID Lockdowns?

You are a bunch of sore losers about BREXIT.

A Diamond Geezer

How can someone who has never been elected as an MP have had such a profound effect on UK politics? Nigel Farage has for nearly 30 years ploughed his furrow. The almost impossible task of flying in the face of received thinking and leading the campaign to get Britain to leave the EU has been led solely by him.  His campaign struck a chord with the public who for years have been unhappy with the direction the nation has been steered. 

In 2015 his party held 5 million disenfranchised voters in despair. In 2016 the Tories so fearful that 5 million would become 7 or 8 million and leave Farage a prominent figure in Parliament they gave in and held a referendum. The largest number of people ever to vote for anything voted to leave the EU. 

The Woke establishment sobbed into their skinny lattes and then threw tantrums as the people once more said “Leave” in the EU elections that were never supposed to happen. If you want proof the EU are evil, check this out, every member of staff appointed by the largest party in the EU Parliament, the Brexit party, remained unpaid at the end of the month leaving MEPs having to bail them our from their back pockets. Everyone else got paid. Coincidence? I doubt it.

The third and hopefully final blow to Woke and cancel culture came in December when for a 3rd time the people went to the polls and voted against anyone who stood for remaining in the EU.

All political careers end in failure. Farage burst onto the scene with, his verbal assault on the 3rd rate banker, for which he was fined because freedom of speech is banned in the EU. If we leave in December with or without a deal, we will still have an anti-establishment champion. 

Also you can watch Nigel Farage's YouTube Videos here.

The commissioner’s response to Farage's last speech to The EU Prliament is pathetic.

RIP a true hero, BBC hang your heads in shame

Professor David Bellamy who is sadly no longer with us was indeed a proper scientist. Not the greatest orator but clearly a fantastic brain. He fell victim to the thought police at the BBC who banned him and anyone else who has a proper understanding of the science of climate. Bellamy was a staunch supporter of preventing deforestation. 

He was a botanist and passionate champion of maintaining the diversity of species. Of course, mainstream science has now declared that it is highly probable the cause of Covid is the invasion of natural space with man-made activity. Bellamy was correct, Environmental vandalism is rife, while the so-called evidence for anthropogenic climate change is poppycock to use his words.

The so-called green transition in the EU is now not possible as the strong economies needed to support it are no longer in existence. The carbon trading fantasy that ships dirty industry to the nations least equipped to clean it up rather than regulate it sensibly is now residing permanently in La La land.

Gunning for BBC and Civil Service

If the BBC are gunning for you then you are probably doing something right. Dominic Cummings is a hero. He needed to travel; he went in the car which despite all the experts advising against it is the safest way to travel. His so-called offence would at worst have resulted in a small fine, yet he was subjected to a barrage f criticism far beyond what was justifiable.

He has recognised that the biggest problem we face in the UK is a civil service that is not fit for purpose. 

If he survives the disgusting media onslaught that is attempting to cancel him, he may well go down as one of the great figures in our history. While technologists in the know remember James Watt, Henry Mawdsley and Abraham Derby as some of the most significant figures in shaping the industrial revolution. Dominic Cummings may well end up the unsung hero of the post EU era for Great Britain. 

You have a far greater chance of becoming a senior civil servant if you have been to public school than if you have a first-class degree. In an ideal world the administration should leave office when the government does and be replaced with “on Message” individuals from the private sector. It is difficult to reconcile doing things you don’t agree with. I could not implement wholesale nationalisation. Industries like rail and road haulage do not need to be publicly owned yet they both used to be. The basic health care of everyone though should remain under the control of the people elected by the nation.

Conflicts and dilemmas are a result of the creation of a monster that cannot easily be changed. The civil service is full of secrets and lies, dogma and what an outsider would observe as stupidity. I would love a job in Whitehall, handing our the P45s.

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