Quangos Civil Service NGOs

The Public Health England Quango (PHE) has got us into a big economic mess.

Common sense tells us, the clever money was to stop Overseas People flying into UK Airports. Instead we had a UK Lockdown and this effectively shut down the buses and trains and got workers to work from home where possible. 

Lockdown has cost us a Massive 20% reduction in GDP.

Why does the government listen to Brake? On matters of road safety? While ignoring the Alliance of British Drivers, Safespeed.org, The IAM, the ACU and other motoring organisations.

Brake was set up by Mary Williams because relatives were killed as pedestrians. It’s a rogue charity that’s essentially and anti car lobby. This is utterly criminal that individuals with no knowledge of road or any other kind of safety are allowed to have influence on government policy while experts such as Safespeed.org are ignored. 

The DFT are not fit for purpose and we are allowing the anti car dogma to kill people. Road users lives matter and clearly no reduction in road deaths in 10 years means government policy is killing people. 

There are 3 causal factors for road incidents. The design of the road, the design of the vehicle and the skill of the road user. In 10 years the vehicles have improved and accident black spots have been designed out. Therefore as the other factor remains constant we should have seen a reduction in deaths. Brake called for all rural roads to be closed during the pandemic. Perhaps its time to seize their assets and close them down.

For more details see Alliance For British Drivers Website ( ABD)

FCA Ripoff

Why are the FCA only scrutinising large companies and ignoring loan sharks in our poorest communities? Why indeed were the FSA not simply sacked in 2008 when they catastrophically failed to predict the financial crisis. 

All we needed was a tap on the shoulder to the chancellor and a bit of a nudge to say buy the bonds and it could have been avoided. Instead they wailed like children in a tantrum and we have grown them into a massive monster, poised to destroy much of the good in the financial sector.

During the pandemic the largest demonstration of complete incompetence has been demonstrated by Public Health England.

The government have now decided to dismantle them. I really do hope that means name and shame and sack, yes sack the senior mismanagement team. 

After all they have made no sensible attempts to manage this crisis and the cost has been a 20% loss in GDP which make the 2008 crisis look peanuts.

Is there a reason why abject stupidity is evident in every corridor of the administration?

In addition to the normal departments in the civil service. The Labour party are considering adding to the shadow minister list in addition to the shadow minister for climate change (its been changing for 4 billion years why we now need a minister???) we are going to have

Shadow minister for feng shui?

Shadow minister for discovering new things to ban.

Shadow minister for UFOs and interplanetary travel: (presumably to communicate with extinction rebellion and the Lib Dems)

Shadow minister for promoting misery shame and historic guilt transference. (The first proposal is to change the names of the ships Queen Victoria, Elizabeth and Mary to The RMS “Boo hoo hoo,” “I am so ashamed” and “Guilt Ridden Anxte" respectively. All this in the hope that cruising dies a death, putting more people out of work and damaging western economy.)

What a Rip Off

£460 Million buys us the largest ocean liner ever built, the Queen Mary 2 

But hey for half that we can have Boaty Mc Boatface. (£230 Million)

What a rip off. I wonder if the Civil Service or a Quango were involved in the spec and purchase?

Oh, look the Department of Skills and Innovation

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