A new book by John Tennant a former MEP and Brexit champion has now been published.

See it here.


Well worth a read as it takes the lid off the EU and its undemocratic existence.

Sold out on Amazon in no time. Reprint under way.

The Twitterati who have been attacking the Bake Off judge Prue Leith, have got it all wrong about British Farming Post BREXIT.

There is no threat to British farming from Brexit. There is only opportunity. All that is needed is the Government to hang the sword of Damocles over the Department of Ag Environment and Rural Affairs and say this.

“We sent money to the EU and it comes back to Ag Environment and Rural Affairs to be dispersed according to formulae set by the EU. This is well understood by Farmers and civil servants alike. Therefore, the transition can be seamless and if it’s not, the entire department will lose their jobs and pensions”.

With the European Commission(who are elected by no one) teleporting back to their home planet each night after a hard days work in the field of applied stupidity in Brussels. It is hard to see why they would ever regain an understanding of the planet earth, its problems and the realistic solutions.

Britain has been providing the froth on the EU’s cappuccino for 40 years. So, what, you might say, the enormous German powerhouse is prosperous enough to provide froth but perhaps no chocolate. 

That is a fair assertion, provided nothing goes wrong and the EU is superbly managed. The problem arises that Covid 19 is going to create unemployment all across the EU. They have already sacrificed a generation of southern Europeans to the great God Euro. They are about to sacrifice the rest of the economy to the great God Climate Change.

They have enforced unattainable emissions standards on vehicles and instead of sacking the bureaucrats who made the rules and apologising, they are willing to sacrifice Europe’s car industry. After the Tsunami in Japan, Germany, a well-known earthquake zone, decided to close its nuclear power stations and will be dependent on Russian fossil fuels for its power, at least until its industry is closed.

Ursula Von der Leyen is an idiot along with the rest of her kind. Even Rambo would not attempt an assault on a military prison camp if he had just had his leg shot off, but Ursula et al are doing precisely that. Covid has slashed GDP. The lockdown has presented a reduction in emissions from vehicles and aircraft that even the Swedish child with the anger management problems would not have dreamed of, yet there is a negligible change in the air quality. No matter, the Ursula Muppet show is determined to carry on with the green transition, stripping the EU of its industry and technology and replacing it with low paid, low skill, economic activity that will not fund the MEP’s taxi costs.

Already Poland and Hungary are pointing out the insanity of this approach and a small but vocal minority are protesting about lockdown measures which cannot go on for ever. There is no conspiracy here, just madness. The EU? Out, out, brief candle.

It must be that time again – 'Brexit' time and out comes the usual 'pawn' in the game. Yes, Gibraltar is once more being used. This, of course, is nothing new for the Gibraltarians.

The Spanish Government has been ‘bullying’ the rock of Gibraltar for years. In 1969 the Cepsa Chemical Plant, only 7km away, was opened by Generalissimo Franco with his famous “we will smoke them out like rats” speech. It has been billowing away across the Straits of Gibraltar ever since and there can be no doubt that this has attributed to the growing cancer rates in Gibraltar and the surrounding areas.


Also, in 1969, Franco ordered the closure of the border and the Gibraltarians were subjected to a 'lock-down' and imprisonment on the 4-mile peninsula for 13 gruelling years. The rock subsequently fell into decline and the suicide rate soared. Fearing another border closure, they overwhelmingly voted (96%) to remain in the 2016 referendum, but equally overwhelmingly voted to remain British in 2002.

In 2001 Jack Straw, the British Foreign Secretary, began 'secret' talks with Spain about the sovereignty of Gibraltar. The Gibraltar Referendum was held in 2002 and afterwards he described the results of the referendum as 'eccentric'. Apparently, they hadn't given the correct answer – sounds familiar doesn't it?

From London to Madrid and back again, no matter which way they turned, it appeared the people of Gibraltar were between 'a rock' and a hard place. Perhaps in 2016 if they had known then what they know now about the EU, the results might have been different.

Despite the doom and gloom propaganda lead by the Ministry of Misery (BBC), there are many good things happening within the UK going forward.

Trade Deal with Japan  (To boost jobs in Wales)

15 Billion trade deal agreed in principle already. Obviously, this deal breaks international law because we are not allowed to do unilateral negotiations outside the EU. However, it looks like we have done it anyway and Madam Ursula can do one.

Trade deal with New Zealand

The list goes on. Just look at it.

Also the UK is now in a unique position to fire up the Hydrogen based economy and lead the world away from the moribund mediocrity of the EU Bureaucrats.

The UK has left the EU and will leave the EU Single Market and Customs Union at the end of the year. With only 100 days until the end of the transition period, businesses should take action now to start preparing for new trading rules which will come into effect from January 2021

To help you prepare, here are four things you should do: 

1. Head to GOV.UK/transition to take a short survey and receive a personalised list of actions for you and your business to take.

2. If you’re an exporter, find out what you need to do to continue to export goods to the EU. 

3. If you’re an importer, find out what you need to do to continue importing goods from the EU

4. Sign up to email alerts to stay up to date with any further changes


These are concrete steps you can take now to minimise disruption and take advantage of new opportunities. 

If you have any questions about preparing for the end of the transition period and you can’t find answers at GOV.UK/transition, fill out the enquiry form and one of our experts will point you in the right direction.

You can also find information and advice about trading internationally (outside of the EU) at

The Brexit Minister says NO!

The Brexit Minister who answers to the electorate, has refused to confirm that the will of the people can be usurped by a random group of to**ers. Elected by no-one, set up as arbitrators in the case of a dispute between the undemocratic EU and the Democratic (well ish) United Kingdom. 

Bewildered establishment WOKE types cannot understand that 17 Million people give orders, they do not ask permission. International law as defined by clowns like Blair and Major cannot overrule the will of the people. 

It’s not as if there was only 1 vote. Three times the people have been to the polls and emphatically ruled we are to operate as an independent nation. 

Whatever nonsense has been put in the way to thwart the will of the people must be swept aside. Indeed, is it not time that the waves of negativity that the media set to crash over us, should be countered by positive responses from politicians and public sector civil servants. Who after all are supposed to work for our country not against it?

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