North West Issues

70 plus percent of all the people in Greater Manchester voted against a congestion charge.

It is now back on the agenda via the back-door masquerading as a clean air policy. In addition, the people also were given the option of having an elected Mayor. The answer was no. Yet here is Andy Burnham with absolutely no mandate wasting our money on cycle lanes. 

In Manchester for anyone who does not live here, it rains. It does not rain for half an hour each day and then become sunny. It drizzles a fine mist of horrible wet on our heads for hour after hour and frequently days on end. For 300 plus days of the year it is humid and raining. In fact, throughout most of greater Manchester it is humid 24 7 365.

That’s why we made cotton here. If the Americans could have spun it in the deep south where it was grown, they would have. We made it because of the humidity. As a consequence, riding a bike as a means of transport is not an option. Please stop using up road space for the creation of unused cycle lanes.

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Let’s be generous and say the most incompetent man of the century Tony Blair made a big mistake by implementing the 10% green tax on heavy industry.

Rolling steel is pretty crucial to a Nations self reliance. Sheffield Forge Master Rolls in Crewe produced the only high-quality spun cast rolls in the UK and arguably the best in the world. So, what you might ask? Well the rollers that make steel sheet wear out pretty quickly and the high cost job of buying them and replacing them when they weigh 100 tons is best done as infrequently as possible. When I first visited the factory in Crewe it was clear this was engineering on a gigantic scale. 

The company were using lathes confiscated from the Germans in WW2 to machine rolls. The same lathes that made the Tiger Tank Barrels and also amusingly, The Gun, ordered by Saddam Hussein that made the news in the late 80s. 

In the following years, the company invested massively in the latest CNC technology and had some of the largest machining capacity in the UK. Forge Masters then had the ability to produce spun cast rolls which involved pouring molten steel into a 250 ton mould that had been upended and dropped into a 100 ft pit with a powered drive at the bottom so the mould could rotate while being poured. This enabled the denser material to be pushed to the outside of the casting. The result was tough centre and a hard outer. Excellent, for accuracy and longevity, this was world class manufacturing.

Along comes the centuries most stupid individual Tony Blair, (2 of the 3 eyes watching over Britain at the time, unless you count the guide dog). Forge Master Rolls needed to make 39 rolls a week to hit profit. At the time they were completing 41. Ching ching happy days. Blairs tax made them need to make 45 rolls to hit profit and while the Chinese laughed and rubbed their hands in glee. We let the Traitor Blair send our technology to China and leave us with no ability to make materials fundamental to a civilised society. Lord Haw Haw was a patron by comparison.

Well-paid high-tech jobs scrapped by the Moron Blair and replaced with retail. Labour were meant be the champions of the working class.

The Brexit candidate for Bolton has for some time now been very concerned about the town and the way its council has been managed. So much so that he has set up political party called Bolton For Change.

Bolton For Change already has lots of support and we believe that here in the North West of England we are seeing the grassroots of political evolution. Traditionally in the UK the big political parties firstly get councillors elected and then MPs follow. 

Often the local government is at odds with the national party. Under Teresa May Tory activists who are largely leave oriented refused to campaign for her. Equally in December the Labour leadership were so out of touch with reality they refused to believe their own polling which had them losing large numbers of seats in the NW. The Lib Dems are far more powerful in local government than in the house of commons so the leadership is often disobeyed and humiliated. Note that when David Cameron wanted to announce the Coalition Clegg had to go back and check with the parties’ executive. 

Political parties are a minefield. Leadership is difficult, even a beast of a politician like Nigel Farage was left frustrated by the antics of UKIPs NEC. The members tried to “drain the swamp”, but to no avail and the party now grovels like a cockroach determined to survive yet with ever decreasing support and a laughable percentage vote. 

That was probably why the Brexit party has supporters and subscribers, not members. All political parties with members have huge difficulties removing them when, as a few will inevitably, cause problems by doing things like walking up and down the high street dressed as a Dalek handing out leaflets.

The small political party such as Bolton for Change and the Foundation Party to name a couple are much more focussed and likely to be responsive to local needs. That does not mean providing a draconian solution to every problem. It means really knowing the local economy and what will have a positive effect. 

Bolton for change Leader Trevor Jones has been very poorly with Covid. For anyone who thinks this disease is a myth then please see the link. Thankfully Trevor is recovering and is with his family we wish him a speedy one. Bolton Needs Trevor.

Its starting here, take a look at Bolton for Change Facebook Page using the button on the right.

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