Change Politics For Good

Mission Statement


Change Politics for Good(CPFG) intends to bring together those who disagree and help them to be empowered. CPFG wants political change to make us more democratic and those with who we entrust power to be more accountable.


Those who write on here agree to be tolerant and respectful of others views and ideas. This website is not left or right but it is libertarian in its nature.

Erasmus The Philosopher

The Renaissance philosopher Erasmus in his 1511 book Praise of Folly explores how fools may be more reliable truth-tellers than the wise, whose prudence may lead them to be silent in order to preserve their position. 

As Erasmus observes: the wise man has two tongues … one to speak the truth with, the other for saying what he thinks fits the occasion … there’s all the difference between the thoughts he keeps to himself and what he puts into words. (Erasmus, 1971, p. 191)

Boris & Boaty McBoatface

A lifetime ago in 2016, British scientists went to the public and asked them to help choose a name for a new $290 million research vessel. The scientists hoped voters would choose a fitting namesake—something after naturalist David Attenborough*, perhaps, or explorer Henry Worsley. Instead, more than 124,000 people voted to name a state-of-the-art research ship Boaty McBoatface, and we all had a hearty laugh at the haplessness of government officials who trusted internet denizens to take anything seriously. Embarrassed, the U.K.’s Department for Business, Innovation, and Skill rejected the results of the survey and named the research vessel after Attenborough, giving the populist name Boaty McBoatface to an autonomous underwater vehicle. But newly published research suggests that it will be the more lowly McBoatface who will get the last laugh.


We would like to set up the 

Boaty McBoatface 

symbol as a sign of democratic rule, What do you think?

Equality Rights & Justice!

Change Politics for Good regards everyone with equal esteem and respect. 

Our Mission journey


One of the few things we agree on is that the current political system in the UK and many parts of the world needs some modifications. What those changes need to look like is a matter for discussion and we cannot discuss the issue with our freedom of speech curtailed. So, freedom of speech is the first priority.


We have seen so many attempts to undermine the democratic rights of UK citizens, particularly during the Brexit struggle. Even now the so called international law flag is being flown in the face of our democratic decision. So democracy is the second priority.


Wealthy campaigners and activists have fought against the collective decision of the many. So, equality, not just of opportunity but fairness of impact and influence regardless of finance or race, religion, or sexuality is third priority.


Along the way we will seek to feature the way forward and criticise the establishment. We are anti Woke and anti cancel culture. We are positive, pro economic and cultural success and pro proper science and technology.

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